Friday, August 20, 2010

Zombie Apocalypse with a Dash of Forbidden Romance?

Are multiple dreams even possible?!
Let alone ones that connect to each other.

1st dream
Love/Deceit dream, i was in a collage dorm the size of a hotel resort and i had a crush on a grudge laid back guy. I would pass by his room and eye stalk him all the time. One of my friends finally pushd me to just go for it, so i entered his room and chatted for a bit. I was super nervous, we watched some tv, chatted, which turned into a love scene. The dream most of the time was like one big montage, it had short flashes of what was happening everyday, we'd get closer and closer and more romantic, we'd spend everyday together laughing and joking. Finally one of the days he stopped seeing me and broke it off, i went to go find him and he claimed we never had anything involving us together and that he was in love with this hot man that was next to him. I tried the whole time to prove there was something going on with us to his boyfriend, matching watches, things i gave him. The other man took my side and broke off with him. I remember the grungy guy trying to come back to me but i just walked away. Dream ended.

2nd dream
Was one big weird forbidden dream, it involved my friend Myles (blade376) I DONT KNOW WHY! He was my next door neighbor, we had been friends for a long time, we would go out and hang all the time. He had his head shaved in this dream kinda like a timberlake cut, so he looked cute. I went into his house which shared with his parents, we were hanging out, i felt a bit nervous, we just chatted while he talked about his projects and whatnot. We had sat on the couch real close to each other, i could feel a tension, we were both nervous, and i had felt the urge to kiss him but i didn't. He said that i had to go soon or else his parents would be coming home soon and freak if there was a woman in the house. So I had got up and grabbed all the food mess we made and took it to the kitchen to clean. He came into the kitchen to help throw away something, he was trying to make an excuse or something to "accidentally" bump into me. When he slowly tried to move away we locked eyes for a deep second and i kissed him. I remember i had woken up from the dream and went OMG NO I'M MARRIED WHAT IS GOING ON and went back to sleep and continued kissing him saying it will be all right. (LMAO WTF?!?!?!?!?) I heard his parents coming in so i ran snuck out. Something happened and a huge storm arrived, apparently it was the end of the world (seems to be often these days) we were on the second floor in our bedrooms yelling to each other through the windows while the storm is just getting there, he asked if i wanted to be with him and i did and i leaped to his window. Don't quite remember what else happened but i know his mom lectured me, "next time you want to come over you inform me first." ( UHHHH….right) . Dream ended.

3rd dream
Already started with a zombie apocalypse just like any normal zombie dream except this one was with a love/brakeup story. (I THINK ITS FROM WATCHING HIGH SCHOOL OF THE DEAD) we were all fighting and battling our way to a safe zone. There were two guys with me, i had started being with 1 and then i shrugged him off and fell in love with the other, we became romantically involved for a long time. The first guy i was with had a huge grudge, was really angry and upset the whole time. Our group became quite large we gathered up a lot of people and found a great safe zone. Towards the end i made peace with the 1st guy, we talked about stuff and he wanted a make up/goodbye kiss. I knew i still had something for him but it could never be i kissed him twice and walked away. Everyone was in a huge auditorium, there was going to be a performance, part of it was a skit about zombies, i knew this didn't feel right, i saw a couple of people pretending to be zombies walk in and i shouted THIS ISNT RIGHT! HOW CAN WE TELL IF ITS REAL! They were faking it and made there way up on stage, i still felt something wrong, as they were "pretending" to bite one another in a pool of water, one of them turned instantly into a zombie and bit 2 of them, this turned everything crazy. 3 men came in claimed they went looking for their grandfather. i saw and felt he was going to turn into a zombie im like SHOOT HIM! HES GOING TO TURN! They looked at me like i was crazy, and soon enough he did and bit 4 people. Zombies started running in from everywhere, i ran alone, i got lost, i remember just running all i can, i turned into a man and it was an entire different scene, there were zombies and monsters all over, some not wanting to attack the guy kept running and eventually got caught and eaten.. and that ends this dream…

4th dream
Was like a beginning of dream 3 it showed how it all started except monsters and humans lived together. I wasn't in the dream but 2 girls were and they were trying on dresses for a huge event. I was looking through the eyes of one of the girls. She left to go do things and saw that people were looking kinda ill and felt weird about it. She then passed by a section with couple of office rooms that had monsters in there doing things with the computer, people thought they were gamers so they ignored. But as she crept closer she saw them guzzling down what looked like blood. She took a closer look and there was a monster looking really ill and disgusting he was announcing to a audience on the computer they've been giving them a substance for testing and its making the monsters sick and crave more and more of it, their not sure whats happening to them but they feel out of control like they need to "BITE" someone or something. Just then a monster from the room next door thrashed the room and screamed "AHHHH I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE, I JUST HAVE TO BUTE SOMEONE" and ran out and started attacking people. This began the disease, but i was woken up to a text message soon after….


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