Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So this dream stood out. It was set like as if it was in our century but in a strange country like in a poor place. At the beginning i was another character, a young woman around her early 30's. She was wondering around the country searching for somewhere. A man showed up and started to take her to where she needed, whats funny is the man turned out to be Will Smith, don't know why but ok. So hes taking me (the woman) on a busy highway jammed pack with beat up cars all just standing still and everyone is walking instead of driving, the woman is looking around confused at what is going on. She starts noticing people in rags and lots of homeless people all around. More men become dangerous looking, Will Smith tells her to stay quiet and stay close to him at all times that the times are ruff and there has been some trouble and riots along with some killing. They continue to walk down the highway, as they exit there are camp grounds with people who have camped up huts full of items they were selling, it started looking like one big black market, except very dangerously. Riots were starting to form all around, Will grabbed me and we began to move faster, evil men in large groups were staring at me with intense faces, you could clearly tell things were not looking pretty. We arrived at our destination, thing were happening suddenly, riots were out of control, people were getting beaten for all sorts of reasons, if you seemed like a tourist you were getting pounced on, to the point where they were killing, we began to run around, things started happening that became blurry, in between the character turned into ME and i was running around frantically with 1 little child, a boy i guess that had become mine and Wills. The area started to become dangerous and Will told me we had to run and flee because they wanted me and the child dead. I remember running, we were trapped in a house, will fought our way out, he remained behind to keep them all busy, i grabbed the child and went to a section where it seemed all tourists were forming to pay their way out. Will caught up, we approached the ticket counter, she asked for my US passport and information to prove i was a legal citizan, i reached down and realized the place before had stolen everything. I cried out, "they stole it all, they knew i couldnt leave." over and over, Will managed to get them to give them to us anyways. He took us to a safe section in the middle outside and said we were safe here as long as we dont go in anywhere. Busses and planes began coming in to rescue all the tourists, Will had ran to go get something, i kept telling myself," we're almost free we're almost free," and then the child for some reason ran into a store, i shouted after him, "NO NO NO COME BEACK DONT GO IN THERE!!!" Will had arrived again to tell us to get going on the plane that arrived for us, i shouted our child was missing, i saw the child playing in a clothing store and told Will he was in there and he went after him, i screamed back, "NO COME BACK!!!" it was too late as he went in he shoved the kid out of the store, i grabbed the child. but a huge mob apeared out of no where in the store, they managed to get a hold of will, and it was too late they managed to kill him as soon as we got in the plane. i woke up going it was MY fault, all MY fault, if i didnt tell him to go in the store he would have been alive...

hmm so wierd i wonder what it means when i'm blaming myself for actions.


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