Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday December 23, 2008

I know half of my dream had to do with traveling but towards the end spiked up my interest alot more because, there was a scene that had to do with snakes, 2 kinds, a rattlesnake and a deadly green one, it was rather large. I looked up the meaning of snakes and this is what came up:

Seems like i might have some bad juju coming up, and in my dream i'm terrified and hide from the snakes so perhaps i'm cowerding from this enemy.

There was a second part of my dream that stood out as well, i started to get lost, as i tend to often do in my dreams since i'm always a lost case when concious. During my traveling of getting lost my vision became distorted and blurry like as if i were becoming drunk. I started swaying and stumbling all over the place, i could no longer keep my balance. I started to become frantic and pretty soon i was running around super fast and curving to the left ALOT, i was crashing into things, people, some of my friends came out of nowhere and tried to stop me and i couldnt talk it came out like gibberish and i'd do the most stupidest things like leap on a pile of jello and mush it around and go absolutely CRAZY. I srsly didnt understand what the hell was goin on or why i was doing that, it was just out of control and made no sense to the story.

Trying to look up what that meant all i could come up with are these:

  • Getting mad may show that you really want to express some strong feelings associated with some shocking recent event.
  • Insanity in dreams deals with the theme of you doubting your own judgment.
  • Madness can link to really scarey behavior.
  • Insanity can link to behavior and actions which are irrational.
  • Insanity can link to behavior which tests our patience.
  • Insanity and craziness can link to wild unrestrained actions and thoughts.
  • Getting mad may show that you really want to express some strong feelings associated with some shocking recent event.
Soooo i'm pretty sure it has something to do with being bombarded at work, its been stressful and everyday feels like i want to pull my hair out. Makes sense to me.


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